Jason has gone through and have been repainting some of his first Death Guard models to match the rest of his army. Next up: The Deathshroud Terminators.
These were a birthday gift from Max when Jason was first really getting into 40k. While he hasn’t really had the chance to use them (hasn’t played 30k), he’s really hoping they get some 40k rules in the new Death Guard codex coming out soon.

And a few close ups…
And just for comparison, here’s what they looked like with his first coat of paint before using Simple Green to strip and repaint him (newer Death Guard marine on the right for comparison of the old v. new scheme)

I do hope you get rules so we can see them on the table finally! You’ve come so far as a painter since I got you hooked.
Thanks man!!
A how-to-paint guide would be awesome!
I’ve got plans to make one. Hopefully have it up in a few weeks.