We’ve been going 2 years strong as a group entering the annual Armies on Parade competition. This year, not only did the group share at our local Warhammer shop in NYC, but also in Allentown, PA and featuring both 40k and Age of Sigmar themed displays! Read on to check out their awesome work . . .
Alejandro’s Imperium
After last year’s Parade, Alejandro got to work on a ton of new tanks and infinitry for his Astra Militarum as well as working on bolstering his Ultramarines with some Primaris units. All that hard work was on full display this year along with a bunch of new terrain.
Bo’s Death Guard
At last year’s Parade, the group met Bo who came to check out all the awesome displays. He was so inspired he immediately went out and picked up some Death Guard models. A year later, he’s here displaying his wickedly painted 6th Company Death Guard – The Glooming Lords led by his Chaos Lord Htlogh the Rotted (the second in command to Typhus).
Matt’s Grand Alliance Death
Matt joined Tim in traveling to Allentown to display their work. This year, Matt focused on entering his Death themed army in the Age of Sigmar categories. Not only was his display a sight to behold, he wrote up a complete backstory: The Lost Casket of Quatrep that you could even read while taking it all in!
Tim’s Stormcast Eternals
In the previous years, Tim has focused primarily on 40k entries (Blood Angels, Orks and more) but this year decided to take a swing in the Age of Sigmar category. He’s been feverishly working on a force of Stormcast Eternals, namely the Anvils of Heldenhammer! His multi-tier display had so much space to work with to layer a large amount of models and so much detail.
And the winners are…
Some awesome work right? But that’s not all, we also took home a lot of awards…
In NYC, Alejandro won Best Painted and Best Themed in the 40k category and Bo took Best Scene and First Army (which once again, our store said it’d count as “favorite” even though this truly was Bo’s first army!). Both of them took home medals too, with Alejandro taking home Bronze and Bo with the Silver!

In Pennsylvania, Matt took home Best Themed as well as Monsters and Machines while Tim took Best Painted and Best Scene, both in the Age of Sigmar category. Tim took home the Bronze for his display!

Despite the lower turn out this year, it was still a blast. The group was super excited to see the medals make a return as well! We had some thoughts on how the event could be better held, but what can ya do. Either way, we’ve all got great ideas forming and can’t wait for next year’s parade to share them with everyone!
Hungry for more photos of our boards and others from the Parade? You can check out even more photos on our Google Photos album!
You can also check out the displays from both 2017 and 2016 for more of the awesome work. Also, if you’re on the East Coast, you’ll be able to check out a lot of the crew’s work at the Jersey Devil painting competition this December in New Jersey!