Jason’s been working on a small project: wanting to paint all the Chaos Legion contemptor dreadnoughts! Next up: Alpha Legion. Read to find out more …
For my sixth Chaos legion contemptor dreadnought, I picked the Alpha Legion. I’ve been keeping this guy on the sideline awhile while I contemplated how I wanted to approach the color scheme. I really liked how the metallic armor turned out on my Thousand Sons dread, but I definitely wanted the color to be different. I had thoughts of mixing transparent paints a bit but couldn’t quite find the recipe I liked.
I ended up using the Terradon Turquoise contrast paint from Games Workshop. It was the first time using any of the contrast paints and I rather enjoyed using it. It definitely sprayed differently than the Badger Ghost Tints – thinner and easier to spray and the color shifted darker and more contrast than the ghost tints. Even better, I was able to use it as a wash in the nooks of the armor to deepen the colors.
I recorded the process and will have a tutorial video “soon”. He’s magnetized to the base as well as the weapon arms like the previous dreadnoughts.

As if photos didn’t do it enough justice, I also took a 4K showcase video…