Jason’s back to his Death Guard lately and his latest addition is the 40K variant of Typhus – Herald of the Plague God. Read on to see more…
I’ve been running the Horus Heresy of Typhus ever since I started playing my Death Guard force. Over the last few months I’ve been debating if I wanted to go more that route or focus on the newer line to represent my sons of Nurgle.
I decided I’d keep separate forces – older kits for more 30K focused games (if I ever play them, ha) and the newer line for playing. I picked up the newer kit for Typhus and had a go at him. Made some minor adjustments – adding a fly to his hand to represent his Destroyer Hive ability and adjusting some positioning. I also left all the other flys out as I don’t use them on any of my other models that have them. Overall, really pleased with the Herald of the Plague God!

This wouldn’t be a new showcase of mine if I didn’t include a video showcase as well! Check out the 4K look…