Once again, we’re back to kick off our third Paint Off challenge for the group. We’ve done it twice before featuring Tau Crisis Suits and Eldrad Ulthran! Read on to see what’s in store for this round…
Author: Brookhammer
Chaos v. Blood Angels
At long last, Max has a new table built and we’re once again bringing out the big guns for full-fledged 40k games (not just Kill Team). To kick things off, we have Jason’s Bash Brothers of Chaos going up against Max’s Devastating Blood Angels.
Blood Angels v. Thousand Sons
This past weekend, Max and Jason wanted to shake off the rust and throwdown with the biggest match since Yearhammer featuring a showdown between the Blood Angels and Thousand Sons. Who won? Read on to find out!
Decimator-Pattern Aggressor Weapon Swap
We’re excited to share a new tutorial this week from a guest poster: Kyle Haydon. You may have recognized his name from our recent Lord of Contagion post, with Kyle being the one who created the kit-bash. Today, he’s here to share how easy it is to do a weapon swap on the Decimator-Pattern Aggressor marines. Read on to see how…
Instagram Giveaway!
Just last week, we passed the 3,000 follower mark on Instagram. To celebrate, we’re doing a small competition this week. Head over to our Instagram account and check it out!
One random winner will be getting a custom model (kitbashed by Max and Shane) and then can even pick one of the crew to paint it! Should be fun!
Elsewhere on the web
While our roots as a group really found a home on Instagram, that’s not the only place you can find us on the web. You can also follow us on Twitter and our newly created Facebook page. If you’re into using Feedly or another RSS reader, you can add our feed there.
Our friend Hobbyvices has also setup a Discord chat server where quite a few of our members hang out and chat with a growing group of other wargamers.
Orks v. Death Guard
This weekend we saw a quick game featuring Jason’s Orks taking on Bo’s Death Guard, our first game this year since the big Yearhammer megabattle and Bo’s fourth game playing Warhammer! A really wacky game that came down to the very last dice roll, read on . . .
The Brookhammer Shop
We’re really excited to finally add a new Shop section to the site. This will be your one-stop spot to see which models/armies we have available for purchase as well as a quick way to access all of Shane’s amazing 3D printed custom bits for your models! We even listed how you can contact us about commission work from your favorite Brookhammer painters. We’ll be doing our best to keep this updated so check back often!
Yearhammer 2018
It’s that time of year again and Yearhammer is once again upon us! We’re ready to kick off the New Year with our third annual mega battle once again featuring the unending battle between Imperium and Xenos (with an even larger Chaos force joining the battle)! Team Imperium look to “defend” their streak and mount a second victory . . . Continue reading Yearhammer 2018
The Rumble of WAR
Do you hear it?
The thumping of thousands of infantry marching along?
The rumble of tanks and heavy war machines?
It’s almost time for our annual apocalypse mega-battle: Yearhammer!
It’s just a few weeks away and we’re all heads-down getting new units built, painted and ready for the ultimate showdown. Be sure to check out the battle reports of our 2017 and 2016 showdowns.
This year is staged to be the biggest yet . . .