We’ve just posted our three entries for our 2nd Paint Off challenge to our Instagram account. Head over today to like your favorite Eldrad paint job. On Wednesday, we’ll reveal which of our members painted which model and reveal the model that received the most likes! Vote Now!
Author: Brookhammer
Astra Militarum and Blood Angels v. Eldar and Tau
We’re back with another Warhammer Wednesday battle. This week we saw Team Imperium (Leo’s Astra Militarum and Max’s Blood Angels) going up against Team Xenos (Mike’s Eldar and Brendan’s Tau).
Continue reading Astra Militarum and Blood Angels v. Eldar and Tau
Tau v. Adeptus Mechanicus and Chaos Daemons
We’re back with another Warhammer Wednesday battle. This week we saw Brendan’s Tau going up against the team of Shane’s Adeptus Mechanicus making an unholy alliance with Chaos Daemons to fight off the Greater Good.
Continue reading Tau v. Adeptus Mechanicus and Chaos Daemons
Orks v. Chaos and Necron
Yesterday saw another team up game featuring Jason and Shane’s combined Waaaagh forces taking on Joe’s Chaos and Seth’s Necrons.
Astra Militarum v. Adeptus Mechanicus
We’re back with yet another Warhammer Wednesday quick match. This week we see Alejandro’s Astra Militarum facing off against Shane’s Adeptus Mechanicus
Chaos and Necron v. Astra Militarum and Blood Angels
This past weekend saw the group playing our biggest game of 8th Edition yet, with nearly 600 Power Level on the table! The forces of Chaos (Jason and Joe) joined together with the undying Necron (Seth) legion to bring a fight to the combined Imperium forces of the Astra Militarum (Alejandro and Leo) and the Blood Angels (Max).
Continue reading Chaos and Necron v. Astra Militarum and Blood Angels
Inner Circle interview with Tim
When Tim found out he was one of the five winners of Inner Circle this year, one of the prizes was being flown down to Dallas to get some inside scoop on 8th edition and other goodies. Amongst the other goodies was being interviewed by the team down there. Today, the Inner Circle Facebook page updated with his talk. Check it out!
Astra Militarum v. Orks
We’re back with yet another Warhammer Wednesday quick match. This week we see Alejandro’s Astra Militarum try to fend off Jason’s Ork Waaagh.
Eldar v. Adeptus Mechanicus
Warhammer Wednesday’s are getting even better with the Open Play of 8th Edition. This week, we had the first games for Mike (Eldar) and Shane (Adeptus Mechanicus)!
Paint Off II – Kickoff
We’re excited to announce our second Paint Off challenge!
After our first Paint Off challenge, a random follower on Instagram was asked to pick what faction we should paint next. Eldar was picked and the winner, Max, picked the model we’ll all be painting. His choice: Eldrad Ulthran!