Games Workshop’s latest Greater Daemon is now out in plastic: The Great Unclean One! With this kit, GW was awesome enough to include a variety of weapons to pick from . . . so why not magnetize!? Read on to see how Jason went about it.
Category: Tutorials
Tips & Tricks.
Making of: Death Guard Display
After placing Bronze last year, Jason really wanted to up his game for Armies on Parade this year and get a gold. He took photos along the way and wants to share the making of his Death Guard display for Armies on Parade this year.
Magnetizing a Leviathan Dreadnought
The ForgeWorld Leviathan Dreadnought is one amazing kit. One thing you’ll most definitely want to do is magnetize the gun options to give you more options to use your awesome new kit in a game. Jason’s here to share how he magnetized his kit…
Showcase: Buzzgob and his Big Mek Stompa
For the past year or so Shane has been working on an Ork Dread Mob, and has finally added a Stompa to his force roster!
Magnetizing Magnus the Red
Just this past month, the Brookhammer crew was awesome enough to gift me Magnus the Red (how awesome is that?!). Since I do travel a bit in the city to get our games in I wanted to make sure I could easily transport Magnus without taking up a lot of foam space with his massive scale.
I tried to do some research as I always do before building him but couldn’t find anything online for magnetizing his wings. So I thought I’d share the steps I went through to do just that…
Magnetizing an Imperial Knight
With Chaos having the option to now take Renegade Imperial Knights, I thought it would be the perfect tool to expand on my Chaos forces. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been working on magnetizing the Knights for both ease of transport but also for ease of sharing weapons (and future proofing it a bit in case more goodies get announced later). Here’s a break down of how I’m going about it…..
Using Vallejo Plastic Putty
Jason tends to browse Instagram A LOT for 40k inspiration and he’s seen Vallejo Plastic Putty mentioned in quite a few posts as an alternative to the GW Liquid Green Stuff. He decided to pick up a small bottle and give it a try.
Magnetizing an Eldar Wraightknight
After doing a Google search, I found out there were only a handful of magnetizing tutorials for the Wraithknight. Some great tips and tricks but at the end, it seemed like along with magnetizing, you’d also have to pin to help keep arms posed. So I started to experiment with what can be done and thought I’d share. Continue reading Magnetizing an Eldar Wraightknight
Speed Painting: Ork Burna Boy
Jason, our resident Ork player, takes a crack at sharing some of the process behind painting his Green Tide (in this case, a Burna Boy). Check it out!